Friday, November 19, 2010

Love a Little Mystery with History?

Museums are fascinating places to explore.  In every nook and cranny, there are wonderful finds which can fuel the imagination.  Who were the owners?  How did the artifacts explain life in olden times? What tales could these objects tell us?

During my first visit to the Smithsonian some 30 years ago, I found time stood still.  More, I just had to have more;  more information on the artifacts and more time.  Needless to say, the guards were kind enough to escort me away from the Hope Diamond after I had stood for several hours mesmerized by its beauty and its dark secrets.

There are some wonderful museums around the world that I will never have the opportunity to visit.  That is, until now....

The Travel Channel has unveiled an awesome series entitled Mysteries at the Museum.  Take a trip to several museums and see some wonderful pieces of history that also spark a great deal of mystery.  What do you know about Harry Houdini and his death?  The first flight over the North Pole?  Lizzie Borden?

Join in on Tuesday, November 23 at 9 ET/P to learn more about these mysteries of history and more.  You'll find yourself thinking about the past and what mysteries you could find at your local museum.

By the way, have you been to the Holliday Dorsey Fife House Museum in Fayetteville?  There's quite a bit there about Doc Holliday and Scarlett's world. Maybe there's room for some unanswered mysteries to surface............

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