Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Today in Fayetteville" October 8, 1909

Today in Fayetteville, Oct. 8, 1909
Home Affairs

For Sale--One good piano, in good condition.
Mrs. S.R. Adams
Fayetteville, Ga.
Phone # 62

J.J. Davis and C.W. Martin have bough the furniture store of Charles Graves and will do business under the name of Davis and Martin. These are both good business men and no doubt will give our city an up-to-date furniture store..


E.A. Huckaby came very near losing his life last Monday evening. He was having a new well dug on his premises and went down into the well shortly after they had used a charge of dynamite. He succumbed at once from heart failure and asphyxiation. It was difficult to get him out and his life was was dispaired of for some time after landing on Terra firma. However he is doing nicely at present.

Messrs. James Milam and Otis Stephens have purchased themselves a new buggy. Look out girls..

Last Monday your "uncle Primas" had occasion to drive through the county, Some distance in our route came in contact with two or three automobiles. On account of our "Quadruped" being exceedingly shy of those machines, we always had to either quit the road or detach said quadraped from our vehicle. Now we believe those owning horses and mules have a good right on the public highway as those who are able to own automobiles. And the fore said owners of horses and mules are the ones who pay public taxes and keep the public highway in passable condition. Therefore be it resolved by us that we keep our road and force the auto riders to build themselves a highway exclusive from those the honorable public are using..

Researched and submitted by CB Glover
Source: The Fayetteville News

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